Today is:
January 17, 2025

All materials Copyright 2018 Hank Volpe
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Note - TravelClock is fully enabled and does not require registration. However, it is not "freeware" and all copyrights are retained by the Author. A donation of $5 would be appreciated if you find TravelClock extremely useful. For other MDSoftware products, see below;

Modem Doctor for Windows

Modem Doctor for Windows registration is $14.95, and includes shipping in the US and Canada. International orders require payment in US funds (checks drawn on US banks or Postal Money orders directly redeemable in USFunds) and an additional $2 for shipping. We are honest folks, but please do not send cash!
Modem Doctor Order form send to:
Hank Volpe P.O. Box 43214 Baltimore MD 21236 Name (required) _____________ Phone #(optional) ____________ Company name (if applicable) ______________________________ Street ________________________________________________ City _____________________ State ______ Zip __________ ----------------------------------------------------------- Product Quantity Price Sales Tax Shipping Total _______ ________ ________ ______ _____ Please make all checks payable to; Hank Volpe. Thank you for your order.